How to speed up your computer

Abstract- We always want ours computer should run fast. But it is a matter of sorrow that sometimes it faces some obstacles like as slow to do any task, slow windows start up, lunch any application etc. for being this hassle, we may not feel comfort to use our computer .Now I am going to show you some features to run fast a computer without using any third party software.

Now do those steps, its simple

N.B- please attention on highlighted color :-(Yellow) (Red
  • Type (windows key + R) ,it shows a box (RUN) . . Type- cmd on this (run) box. after typing hit enter. It shows a box like below. Then do this- cd.. <hit–Enter button> cd.. <hit–Enter button> tree <hit–Enter button>. It will take time.

         At last type- Exit
  • Press (windows key +R), it shows a box (RUN). Type- services.msc on this (RUN) box. After typing, hit enter. It shows a box like below. From there you can stop any of your apps which run automatically or stop permanently which are not necessary.
I am going to stop this app.
Now just click on Stop button. See the highlighted colors. This app is stopped. You can run this app manually. Thus you can stop your unnecessary app & speed up your computer.
  • Press (ctrl+alt+delete). It shows a window, from there select- task manager. It appears a box. Go to the start-up option. At present you are able to disable your start-up apps. It helps to start your computer early. I have disabled manually those highlighted for being start computer first.
Those 3 steps are major to me. So I have told you. Besides, there has various way to speed up computer. Through doing those steps, you can run your computer smoothly 75%. Its my opinion.


  1. Sometimes my laptop application take so long to load and it makes me feel bored .I usually stop some of the running application using the task manager.
    your elaboration is of great help and thank you for sharing.

  2. My computer had become a digital snail, i mean extremely slow. But what you have shared is really amazing im not sure how you figured the loop for this but this is really really good work.


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